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Trump’s Wall of Shame

“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” – Albert Einstein

President Donald Trump walks on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, early Sunday, June 21, 2 020, after stepping off Marine One as he returns from a campaign rally in Tulsa, Okla.

“Hang Mike Pence”

Rest in Peace, Officer Brian Sicknick!!!!

Police Officers Attacked

Why the Hesitation releasing some of the Epstein documents?

“I don’t think I had uh, I mean, I’m not involved, I never went to his island…um…fortunately, but a lot of people did.”

Why do you think so many smart, powerful, people allowed him to get so close?

Um, he was a good salesman whose a hail and hardy type of guy. He had some nice assets that he would throw around, like Islands…..but a lot of big people went to that island, but fortunately I was not one of them.

“I’ve said that if Ivanka were not my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”


RUDY, is that your brain leaking out of your head?

“You have tiny little baby hands just like me!”

VOTE: It’s not over until the Fat Baby Cries!

It’s 2024: Trump is in Severe Cognitive Decline, Spewing endless HATE that America, and the world, has grown so tired of; and has started the narrative that the election is RIGGED!

I don’t have any words to describe this, just posting for all to see because it’s a clear sign of his declining cognitive ability. He is 78 years old and clearly worse off than he was in 2020!

Trump Fantasies about Biden coming to his rescue as he senses the tide is quickly turning against him after Biden dropped out.

He Just can’t let it go!

Trump loosing his shit and making up outrageous claims (conspiracy) that the crowd size is Fake. Desperation is creeping in.

Trump walks back his AI claim after realizing it’s a batshit crazy accusation that’s easy to disprove!


Now the Endless “Truths” will come out of how the election is being stolen once again

Trump Military Comments:

Trump has the NERVE to criticize Waltz on his 24 YEARS of military service when he himself avoided the draft several times because of his “bone spurs”……how could you possibly make this man “Commander in Chief”?

Lincoln Project: Stolen Valor

Trump Congratulates Putin: I can’t imagine the dirt Putin must have on Trump!

Medal of Honor vs Presidential Medal of Freedom:

Trump Disrespects McCain, saying he was not a war hero.

Vance: was a “Never Trump Guy”

Vance thinks Democrats are like wolves and should be shot dead!

Lincoln Project: The Snake

Lincoln Project: Flipper

Humor: Because we need to laugh!

Trump Jail Tour Idea is the best thing I’ve read all year on the internet!

Several Clips taken from Trumps most recent “press conference” that demonstrate his cognitive decline.

Trump Claims mortgage rates are 10%, in fact, you can’t even get one, so it’s more!

More than 100% of job creation in the last year has ALL gone to migrants

Migrants are animals that will kill your children with a knife to watch them bleed!

Harris is a communist in favor of the Death of the American Dream

Trump will stop all the wars because everyone is afraid I’m nuts

God Saved Trumps Life so Trump could save the world

I don’t respect Harris, she called me weird!

Are you comfortable with companies threatening to fire workers that go on strike?

Swiftes for Trump: This campaign is off the rails and will say anything; it’s such a huge sign of desperation, literally unreal Trump posted this to his Truth Social account! THIS DID NOT END WELL, ROFLMAO

CRUZ: Sounds an awful lot like Jan 6th to me! “No Matter What Happens”

More Election Interference comments: “It’s Not Fair”

Trump on Electronics

Trump tires to ensures everyone he’s EXTREMELY normal and that he’s not weird.

They aren’t weird or anything!

Lincoln Project: Weird

Trump on Biden Stepping Down: “Vicious Violent overthrow of the president of the United States”

Trump on cities: Get shot, mugged and raped crossing the road for a loaf of bread

Trump: Nobody killed on J6

Trump: Suburban Women are voting for me, fake polls

Trump on World War III

Lincoln Project: Danger

Michelle Obama: In response to those “Black Jobs” Trump has been talking about all week.

President Obama: “DO NOT BOOOO……..VOTE!”

Projection: Trump is SO angry he’s no longer running against Biden! HA HA!

Trump has a REALLY weird fantasy about Biden in a swimsuit

Barack Hussein Obama was taking little shots (Freudian slip) at your president

Trump: Biden’s Anger

Trump: Return the world to peace via telephone

Trump: Hyper-sonic missile plans given to Russia by Barack Hussein Obama

Trump is REALLY mad this morning and trying HARD to distance himself from Project 25!

Trump: The U.S.A. will be “reduced to ashesif he does not win the election.

Pretty sure he hated this guy; why the sudden change of heart?

“All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have,” Trump says

Trump Melting Down while Harris gives an AMAZING Speech!

Trumps FOX response to the Harris Speech….He dodged questions and they had to cut him off.

“Trump: Everyone knows my policies. Roe v. Wade, we’ve done what they wanted us to do. We brought it down.”

Is this guy doing okay? Someone should check on him!

RNC: Kid Rock at the Republican National Convention


Trump: Insults and sowing fear is the only thing he knows!

Setlist for the 2024 MAGADETH tour

Set 1:
J6 MAGAts, Date Rape > Pedophile City, Electric Boat > Shark, Nobody’s Ever Seen > Nasty People > Migrant Animals

Set II:
Bullet for you, Waiting for the Brain Worms, Eating The Pets > Tell Me Lies > Nobody’s Safe > Bullet for you reprise

Set III:
Word Salad Weave, Stop the Squeal > Won’t Have a Country > Reduced to Ashes

Hit The Road Jack >
We Are The Champions, Hallelujah

RFK Tweet about Trump from earlier this year; He just endorsed him today

Trump: Black Jobs

Turning Point Action: “Hundreds of thousands of young people [..warriors..]” to CHASE THE VOTE




“325,000 migrate children are gone, missing. she [Harris] allowed them to be trafficked into our country. Many of these children are in sex slavery or dead, probably mostly dead.”

Hostages are all dead because Hamas has no respect for Harris or Biden

“Harris has set loose thousands of Venezuelan gang members, who according to “law enforcement bulletins” have been given a license to shoot American Police Officers, you know that right?”

RFK Jr. Voter says Kamala means Snake: It actually means “Lotus Flower”

Trump still beating the “It’s not fair” drum.

I think he meant “Vote…..as if HIS life depended on it”

This guy and his followers are BEYOND Weird…..Dude has some STUPID fantasies!

Hey Donald, the voters are not as stupid as you look!

Fox News: White House lawyers who advised Reagan, Bush endorse Harris over Trump in 2024

Trump ‘remains unfit, dangerous and detached from reality,’ say the former GOP White House lawyers


J6 Awards Gala with special guest Rudy GiuLiani

Powerfulnnz is the new Covfefe

More talk about World War III and fantasies about Biden on a beach.

“I’m the RATINGS MACHINE!” Also very funny is the WEIRD comment….it’s amazing that THIS is what gets under his skin.

He’s right about this. Nov 5th will be a BLUE LANDSLIDE that will cleanse America of MAGAts. 72 days until the election.

Former White House national security adviser H.R. McMaster, a retired lieutenant general, said he cannot understand Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “hold” on his former boss Donald Trump.

Trump Just posted to his truth social from someone who supports Nazism!


Trump Trading Cards, only $99

“purchase 15 of my digital trading cards and get a physical trading card”
“purchase 75 of my trading cards for a Gala dinner”
Physical card features a cut up piece of the suit he wore from the debate.
$99 each

Trump Staffer Abused Arlington Official

Seems like he might be a little upset here.

Q conspiracy time!

Lincoln Project: Prey

What “deal” would you make to end the war in Ukraine?

“I think the deal…and I wouldn’t talk about it too much, because ah, I think I can make a deal, if if, I win as President elect I’ll have a deal made. Guaranteed.”

How do you think you will do in the upcoming debate? THIS AGED WELL, ROFLMAO!

Let’s talk about what it takes to negotiate with someone like Putin or Zelenskyy. Do you think Putin would be willing to give up any of the regions that have been captured?

“I don’t know, uh, I can tell you that all of this would have never happened and it would have been very easy because you don’t have like, that question wouldn’t be asked…..you know that’s a tougher question. Once that starts happening….cause he has taken over a lot of territory and I guess there’ are insurgents now too. So, you know it’s a little bit interesting, that that’s happening…… and that it can happen…… And it’s interesting that Putin has allowed that to happen….. Look that’s one that should have never started.

World War III Ramblings and China thoughts

What would you say to Independents with regards to 2020 Election [antics] to help them decide who to vote for?

Are there times you regret some of the “Truths” you’ve posted?

“The one’s you get a lot of trouble with are the re-posts because you find down deep they are into some group that….uh…your not supposed to be re-posting. You don’t even know if those groups are good, bad, or indifferent.”

The Country seems more divided then ever, what can you do to help alleviate that situation?

Communism vs Fascism and another Viktor Orban endorsement

“You know we have an enemy from the outside and we have an enemy from within,and in my opinion, the enemy from within are radical left lunatics.”

“Who ever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election where you have every right to do it.”

Lincoln Project: Acceptance


Comrade Kamala Harris is terrible for our Country. She is a Communist, has always been a Communist, and will always be a Communist…


Trump: outrageous claims about giving 150K to illegal aliens so they can buy a house, sorry Americans, you are not eligible 🙂

AND WTF is up with his eye?

Trump Rallygoers Say They Are Experiencing Mysterious Eye Injuries

Fox News: The Other Timeline

Lincoln Project: Futile

Lincoln Project: “You don’t get to sport our flag on your face while calling America a “failing nation.” Trump is as un-American as it gets.”

“Will the REAL Donald Please Stand Up!”

“I will have NO HIGHER PRIORITY as President to restore the fair, equal, & impartial Rule of Law, in America. We have lost the Rule of Law, who would have thought?”

“You saw in Colorado, this week, a group from Venezuela, rough ones…rough ones, they took over large sections of a town, large sections of an area of Colorado, Aurora…..has anyone been there…..I think you better to stay away for a little while. They had AK47’s…the ultimate guns….AK47’s that can blow lots of people away real fast and the Sheriff did not want to touch them, nobody wants to touch them. Sheriff there’s 18 Venezuelans attacking my building would you please come over and straighten out the situation……he’s got a deputy…..you know what they say…..Uh, Well…..no thanks, let’s call in the Military. They are taking over!”

Trump: China Policy, WWIII, “BIG RED BUTTON”; Putin endorses Harris

“So I had a great relationship with President Xi, of China…really very close relationship”

“Xi is a tough guy, a fierce person, I say very smart……he controls 1.4 billion people with an Iron Fist…he’s smart”

“Little Rocket Man, he’s got a red button on his desk, I said I have bigger red button and my red button works.”

“When people talk about Global Warming…..I say….the Ocean is gonna go down 1/100 of an inch within the next 400 years….that’s not our problem…our problem is Nuclear Warming.”

“Putin came out today and he endorsed Kamala…and I didn’t know, was I supposed to call him up and say thank you very much I appreciate that…..but he endorsed Kamala, I have a feeling, I don’t know, I don’t know exactly what to say about that. I don’t know If I am insulted or he did me a favor.”

Q: What specific legislation will you commit to to make child care affordable?

Well, I would do that, and we’re sitting down, and I was, somebody, we had Senator Marco Rubio, and my daughter Ivanka was so, uh, impactful on that issue. It’s a very important issue. But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, that, because, look, child care is child care is. Couldn’t, you know, there’s something, you have to have it – in this country you have to have it.

But when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to — but they’ll get used to it very quickly – and it’s not gonna stop them from doing business with us, but they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country. Uh, those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we’re talking about, including child care, that it’s going to take care.

We’re gonna have – I, I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time, coupled with, uh, the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country, because I have to stay with child care. I want to stay with child care, but those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I’m talking about, including growth, but growth also headed up by what the plan is that I just, uh, that I just told you about.

We’re gonna be taking in trillions of dollars, and as much as child care, uh, is talked about as being expensive, it’s, relatively speaking, not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers we’ll be taking in. We’re going to make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people, and then we’ll worry about the rest of the world. Let’s help other people, but we’re going to take care of our country first. This is about America first. It’s about Make America Great Again, we have to do it because right now we’re a failing nation, so we’ll take care of it. Thank you. Very good question. Thank you.

Lawrence: New York’s stupidest rich people clapped after Trump said ‘child care is child care’


Don’t worry DonOLD, Vance has got your back!

Better to wait until he loses, he’s doing an amazing job steering the Titanic

“People can’t walk out of their apartments and buy a loaf of bread without getting mugged, or WRAPPED, or shot!”

Trump: “[America] is a laughing stock all over the world….those other countries don’t have crime like the US, not even close.

Trump contradicts himself about crime in other countries:

They make our gang members look like very sweet people, that’s the only thing good about it. Our criminals look so nice by comparison, these are rough people.

More Election Denial & Trump encouraging police to get involved with voter fraud [intimidation?]

Trump: Xi ensures me that the Death Penalty will solve the drug epidemic

Trump will sign executive order to end the drug epidemic in America. I wonder why nobody else thought of that?

“I will sign an executive order on my first day, making it the official policy of the US Government to completely eliminate the PRESIDENTS of drug cartels and foreign gangs in the United States, we’re going to eliminate them”…….pretty sure he really meant to say “presence of drug cartels

Threats from DonOLD to ALL who oppose him



“Under Comrade Kamala, Christians and pro-life activists are rotting in prison for the crime of praying in public…..how about the people they are arresting because they were praying in public……These people are SICK”

“As everyone knows the Harris/Biden DOJ is trying to throw me in JAIL…THEY WANT ME IN JAIL…. For the crime of exposing their corruption…..we exposed their corruption…..they go after the people that exposed…NOT the people that do the corruption.”

“The big news this week was that the Manhattan DA WITCH HUNT against me has been postponed because everyone realizes that their is no case…because I did nothing wrong. Political WITCH HUNT. It’s a political attack against me by comrade Kamala Harris and Sleepy Joe and other radical left opponents for the purpose of Election Interference…. This is all it is”

“Well sir you challenged the election we think you should be under indictment…..we challenged a corrupt election…..we were right about that…and it’s a case that should have never been brought and they uh postponed it and nothing like this has ever happened in the United States before, it’s strictly 3rd world banana republic stuff…that’s what it is.”

“And it’s not her, it’s the people that surround her…they are SCUM…they are scum…and they want to take down our country. They are absolute garbage. They want to take…HEY…how about the J6 committee? SO THE J6 COMMITTEE of political thugs and losers [suckers and losers]…get together and they investigate J6 for years, destroyed the lives of many people and now it was reveled fairly recently that they destroyed and deleted ALL DOCUMENTS…ALL EVIDENCE…ALL PROOF…THEY Don’t have anything…you know why? Because a lot of it pointed to Nancy Pelosi…it was her fault…because she was supposed to be in charge of security and she turned down thousands of soldiers or national guard…she turned them down and it was so obvious and all of the stories…many of those stories were fake stories that were all made up and we caught them because the secret service frankly said that stuff wasn’t true.”

“The moment we win, we will rapidly review the cases of every political prisoner unjustly victimized by the Harris regime and I will sign their pardons on Day1.”

“Ultimately we’ll….lim….and uh…..and you know what we’re doing here…..I say it all the time, I’m dying to get back to do this…..we will ultimately eliminate the federal Department of Education and send education back to Wisconson and back to the states.”

“Colorado is one state, it’s MUCH WORSE IN OTHER STATES…..but in Colorado they’ve taken over….[laughs] I mean in Colorado they’re so brazen their taking over sections of the state. And you know, getting them out will be a BLOODY……story.”

“If I don’t win Colorado the state will be taken over by migrants”

“Migrants and crime are here, in our country, at levels never thought possible before…never even thought possible…you’re not safe even sitting here the be honest with you. I’m the only one that’s going to get it done, everybody’s saying that…. I’m starting to believe it myself…but they’re saying the only one that’s gonna get it done and I will tell you I’m gonna get it done. “

“Migrants forming armies in our country”

“IF I DON’T WIN THIS ELECTION THAN ISRAEL, WITH COMRADE KAMALA HARRIS, at the helm of the United States, is DOOMED, Israel is DOOMED! That’s a tough statement…Israel will be gone….1 year, 2 years…. Isreal will no longer exist……I Better Win….I better win or you’re going to have problems like…like…we’ve never had…we may have no country left…it may be our last election. You wanna know the truth…people have said that…..this may be our last election, you gotta get out and vote, this could be our last election. IT WILL ALL BE OVER…and uh…you gotta remember I don’t want to say this cause they say it’s braggadocios but if you look at the record, it’s true…TRUMP IS ALWAYS RIGHT….I hate to be right…..I hate to be right…. I’m always right. I hate to be right…I don’t want wanna be right about the things that I predicted…but I predicted what was gonna happen at the border, I predicted all of the inflation, I predicted everything that’s happened to our country. I predicted Israel. Putin would have never gone in but I said if I’m out he’s gonna attack Ukraine but he never would have done it if I was there.

Trump wants the government shut down just before the election. I’m not sure how this solves his “perceived” problem but it’s funny nonetheless.

Q: Would you have certified the 2020 election?

Vance: I would have asked the states to submit alternative slates of electors


Childless Cat Lady Endorses Harris


Hume: Make no mistake about it, Trump had a bad night… This is pretty much her night

“They’re eating the pets of the people that live there, and this is what’s happening in our country, and it’s a shame.”

Is there anything you regret about J6?

Are you now acknowledging that you lost the 2020 Election?

Israel, Ukraine & Russia.

Do you want Ukraine to win this war?

Trump: “Putin has Nuclear Weapons, Nobody ever thinks about that”

Have you [Harris] met with Putin?

“Why do you believe it’s appropriate to weigh in on the racial identity of your opponent?”

What is your plan for Healthcare [ObamaCare]

“I have concepts of a plan…you’ll be hearing about it in the not too distant future”

Closing Remarks: The Future [Hope] vs The Past [Hate]


Kamala Harris: ‘Donald Trump was fired by 81 million people’

Lincoln Project: In Memoriam

The Vice Presidents: America or Trump

Cruel: MAGAts make fun a disabled person for political advantages

Trump’s Concepts of a Debate

Lawrence: Trump ‘lost in the wilderness of his own confusion’ in debate with Harris

He knows he was an embarrassment with his abysmal failure. No 2nd debate

Trump attends 9/11 events with far-right activist who called attacks an ‘inside job’

He sure looks comfortable with her in that picture above!

Laura Loomer is a very classy lady!

Harris: “They say you are a Disgrace”

Fear and Hate are ALL HE KNOWS


If I ran with an honest vote counter in California, I would win California

Trump says “never seen before” at least 13 times in one “speech”

They’re Eating The Pets of the People Who Live There


“He even signed a law that allows abortion in the 9th month…he says abortion in the 9th month…..and babies to be EXECUTED AFTER BIRTH…..and that’s right…..It’s happened numerous times in the states and other states too. There are radical left states that allow that, nobody wants to talk about it, but they allow that…execution after birth.”

“I will end the chaos in the Middle East and I will settle the War in Ukraine as President Elect. AND REMEMBER THIS…..A VOTE FOR COMRADE KAMALA HARRIS IS A VOTE FOR WAR WITH RUSSIA………IT’S ALSO A VOTE TO BRING BACK THE DRAFT…..She’s already talking about bringing back the draft…she wants to being back the draft and draft your child and put them in a war that never should have happened……REMEMBER RUSSIA WOULD HAVE NEVER ATTACKED UKRAINE, EVER………AND A VOTE FOR COMRADE KAMALA HARRIS IS A VOTE TO OBLITERATE ISRAEL AND FAST……ISRAEL IS GOING TO BE BLOWN OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH IF SHE BECOMES PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES”

Tell yourself whatever you need to hear so you can sleep at night……YOU STILL LOST!

Trump is a complete embarrassment to this great country….WAKE UP!

Shake It Off: and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate

DonOLD crying for help and complaining about more election cheating

Vance: Admits to making up the pet story. This is Domestic Terrorism

“If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering on the American People, than that’s what I’m gonna do”

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

― George Orwell, 1984


Trump: I don’t know what happened with the bomb threats. I know that it’s been taken over by illegal migrants.

Ohio sheriff urges residents to track addresses displaying Harris yard signs

MAGA Editor Rich Lowry Says He Didn’t Use N-Word To Describe Haitian Migrants

I really don’t care, do you? According to J D Vance, gun violence is just part of life in America

Grabbed from Twitter – He was a former TrumpTard.

Apparently he Tweeted support for Tulsi, Haley, and Vivek...so yes, he’s one of yours!

Ketamine can make you say some bizarre things!

I guess the Ketamine wore off….or maybe he got a call from Secret Service?

Ketamine fully wore off, the posts have been deleted. Clearly his group of friends who laughed at this are all as SICK AS HE IS!

Looks like the Secret Service is aware


Someone registered deportmusk.com today…..beat me to it 😉

Funny thing I’ve noticed is whenever I post a link to the politics subreddit, my site is IMMEDIATELY hit by a Russian server. EVERY SINGLE TIME!

“the bullets are flying, and it will only get worse!”

DonOLD’s posts are getting so boring and repetitive….he’s almost tapped out!

Trump is delusional; he thinks if he says something enough times it becomes true. He’s a very sick man that can’t accept reality.

Trump on the debate: You have to do well, you can’t do badly

Trump is literally tearing families apart……mine included 🙁

Republican Voters Against Trump

Remember to VOTE

FU DonOLD we are not afraid of your threats

Vance: Gas lighting on Violence in America

“You know the big difference between conservatives and liberals…is that we have…….no one has tried to kill Kamala Harris in the last couple of months and two people have now tried to kill DonOLD Trump in the last couple of months I would say that’s strong evidence that the Left needs to tone down their rhetoric and needs to cut the crap out…somebody’s going to get hurt by it, and it’s going to destroy this country.”

“Their sons and daughter, just as though Kamala shot them with a pistol in her hand or his hand, they were KILLED, by Biden…and Kamala.”

Trump: Blaming someone else for doing something you are doing in the same sentence.

Refuse to Be Silenced: Trump’s Strategy To Shut Down the 2024 Campaign

Lawrence on Trump’s Taylor Swift attack: ‘The most hateful mind’ in presidential history

J6 “Awards Gala” recipient is a LITERAL Nazi !!!!

Donald Trump Jr. on Charlie Kirk: “Like all conspiracy theories, it turns out to be true”

Trump Corrupts J.D. Vance

Hint: DonOLD is “THE SNAKE” and MAGAts are the “Tender Woman”

They’re Eating The Pets Of The People That Live There

Flint Michigan Town Hall; Word Salad Weave

Q: “I’d love for you to tell us why do you want to be President and why to you continue fighting even when they attack you every single day?”

“So, we ran in 2016 and it was amazing, and we won. We then ran in 2020 and we did MUCH Better than 2016, people don’t like to hear it….Oh he’s a conspiracy theorist…you know. We got Millions and Millions more votes, we did much better, it was not even a contest. So I was was talking to one of the papers and they said what was the difference….I said the difference is we did much much better the Second time”…..BUT we had a lot of things happen….we know what those things are so…what difference…..because now, because now, in 48 days or whatever it might be uh we are going to do something that….will..be…I don’t think it’s going shock the world actually…I think the world is gonna be…maybe prepared already. In Europe they want it to happen…EVEN THOUGH THEY, EVEN THOUGH THEY would not prefer dealing with me in terms of the economics, they still want it to happen because the whole world is blowing up and they know it’s not gonna blow up if I’m President here….BUT…so we did great and honestly if I didn’t do great, if we know what happened and if that didn’t happen, if I didn’t do well in 2020, I wouldn’t even…think about doing this….but we did phenomenally well and bad bad things happened and we’re not going to let it happen again…and now I’ll tell you….SO 2016..Lotta spirit..2020 we had UNBELIEVABLE spirit and then we got let down because what happened should never be allowed to happen in this country again….BUT..BUT..I have never seen the spirit live I’ve seen right now for this, for this race.”

We don’t mind long answers because you actually have something to say

Trump: Explains “The Weave” so it makes sense

Trump: a lot of people say COVID was released from China in response to my tariffs

Trump: Tariffs are the reason they want to shoot me. You have to be brave or you won’t have a country left.

Trump: Bagram Alaska, Check it out

Q: What do you see as the major threats to the future of Michigan Manufacturing auto working jobs and what will you do to eliminate those threats?

A: OK, so I’ll get into another little bit of a long answer, because when you say major threat…to ME we have one really major threat…that called…Nuclear Weapons…We call…We have other countries that are hostile us, they don’t have to be hostile to us….I always say if you have a smart President you will never have a problem with China, Russia, or any of them….okay…I got along great with Putin, I got along great with President Xi, I got along great with Kim Jun Ung of North Korea, Everybody said, oh, you can’t get along with him…he liked me, I got along great with him…and he has A LOTTA Nuclear force…but you essentially have 5 countries..and you’re gonna have more, whether you like it or not, you’re gonna have more….It’s the single biggest threat to the world…not only Michigan, to the world….and uh, you’re not gonna care so much about making cars if that stuff starts happening and we have people that are not good at negotiation, the war should have never happened, uh President Biden….I wanna be nice…he was so nice to me yesterday but ya know in one way I sorta wish the call wasn’t made because I do feel a little, he’s so nice and I’m so sorry about what happened and all that, but I have to lay it out, we have very important…and the same with Kamala today, she could not have been nicer….but the fact is…the fact is…we have to have people that are respected by the opponent, by the other side, by countries that have this….even Pakistan has nuclear wea….we have, we have countries…India has a lot of nuclear force…we have countries that have tremendous nuclear power and when I hear these people talking about global warming that’s the global warming you have to worry about not that the oceans going to rise in 400 years 1/8 of an inch…and you’ll have more seafront property, right if that happens. I said is that good or bad? I said isn’t that a good thing? If I have a little property on the Ocean I have a little bit more property I have a little bit more Ocean….but the fact is that uhm….it’s a tremendous problem and we are closer to WWIII today then we’ve been, and the difference is…and I say this a lot….this isn’t army tanks going back and forth and shooting at each other…this is OBLITERATION, the power of these weapons and I’m the one that revived it and I hated to do it but we had stuff that was 48 years old, they didn’t even know if it worked. We have incredible stuff, so does Russia, China has much less than us but their gonna catch up over 4 or 5 years. It’s the single biggest threat by far to civilization and nobody talks about it but they talk about global warming. It used to be, remember, It used to be global warming…you know they changed the name, you know why? Because….the planets getting cooler now, so now what they call it is climate change cause that covers everything. See climate change, if it gets hot, cool, you know these people I don’t know if they’re for real…but if they’re not they’re covered but the words “climate change” if it gets cooler that’s good, if it gets hotter that’s good….global warming wasn’t working so well…but the SINGLE BIGGEST THREAT…Okay…now let’s assume we have a really smart President and that’s not gonna be a threat because we have a lot of power….doing business with China is a good thing but you have to have a fair deal. Doing business with Russia, they have so much in terms of materials, minerals and things….the size of their land mass is like 4x bigger than the United States…the minerals and things they have, we can do great business…and you keep everybody happy…you can solve that problem….

but let’s talk about the local problem…the local problem is you have countries stealing your business. Mexico is a very big one, Mexico this year we have a deficit of 250 Billion dollars, think of this, with little Mexico…..we’re loosing our ass to Mexico. China you don’t even have to talk about we have over a trillion dollars this year…..we are going to turn it all around through taxation and tariffs. It will be done in 24 hours and it will change the whole planet.

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