Foreign Policy

Trump on World War III

Trump: Return the world to peace via telephone

Trump claims other countries would call him to ask him permission to go to war

Hostages are all dead because Hamas has no respect for Harris or Biden

What “deal” would you make to end the war in Ukraine?

“I think the deal…and I wouldn’t talk about it too much, because ah, I think I can make a deal, if if, I win as President elect I’ll have a deal made. Guaranteed.”

Let’s talk about what it takes to negotiate with someone like Putin or Zelenskyy. Do you think Putin would be willing to give up any of the regions that have been captured?

“I don’t know, uh, I can tell you that all of this would have never happened and it would have been very easy because you don’t have like, that question wouldn’t be asked… know that’s a tougher question. Once that starts happening….cause he has taken over a lot of territory and I guess there’ are insurgents now too. So, you know it’s a little bit interesting, that that’s happening…… and that it can happen…… And it’s interesting that Putin has allowed that to happen….. Look that’s one that should have never started.

World War III Ramblings and China thought

Trump: China Policy, WWIII, “BIG RED BUTTON”; Putin endorses Harris

“So I had a great relationship with President Xi, of China…really very close relationship”

“Xi is a tough guy, a fierce person, I say very smart……he controls 1.4 billion people with an Iron Fist…he’s smart”

“Little Rocket Man, he’s got a red button on his desk, I said I have bigger red button and my red button works.”

“When people talk about Global Warming…..I say….the Ocean is gonna go down 1/100 of an inch within the next 400 years….that’s not our problem…our problem is Nuclear Warming.”

“Putin came out today and he endorsed Kamala…and I didn’t know, was I supposed to call him up and say thank you very much I appreciate that…..but he endorsed Kamala, I have a feeling, I don’t know, I don’t know exactly what to say about that. I don’t know If I am insulted or he did me a favor.”

Do you want Ukraine to win this war?

Trump: what happens if they [Russia] wins the war in Ukraine? That’s what they do…they fight wars. Somebody told me the other day, they beat Hitler, they beat Napoleon, that’s what they do they fight.”

Trump claims Ukraine war is America’s fault

Trump would have made a deal with Russia to end the war in Ukraine

Trump claims other countries would call him to ask him permission to go to war

Trump: on how Ukraine would have played out under his Leadership

Trump: “Israel will be wiped off the face of the earth if I don’t win”

“IF I DON’T WIN THIS ELECTION THAN ISRAEL, WITH COMRADE KAMALA HARRIS, at the helm of the United States, is DOOMED, Israel is DOOMED! That’s a tough statement…Israel will be gone….1 year, 2 years…. Isreal will no longer exist……I Better Win….I better win or you’re going to have problems like…like…we’ve never had…we may have no country left…it may be our last election. You wanna know the truth…people have said that…..this may be our last election, you gotta get out and vote, this could be our last election. IT WILL ALL BE OVER…and uh…you gotta remember I don’t want to say this cause they say it’s braggadocios but if you look at the record, it’s true…TRUMP IS ALWAYS RIGHT….I hate to be right…..I hate to be right…. I’m always right. I hate to be right…I don’t want wanna be right about the things that I predicted…but I predicted what was gonna happen at the border, I predicted all of the inflation, I predicted everything that’s happened to our country. I predicted Israel. Putin would have never gone in but I said if I’m out he’s gonna attack Ukraine but he never would have done it if I was there

“I will end the chaos in the Middle East and I will settle the War in Ukraine as President Elect. AND REMEMBER THIS…..A VOTE FOR COMRADE KAMALA HARRIS IS A VOTE FOR WAR WITH RUSSIA………IT’S ALSO A VOTE TO BRING BACK THE DRAFT…..She’s already talking about bringing back the draft…she wants to being back the draft and draft your child and put them in a war that never should have happened……REMEMBER RUSSIA WOULD HAVE NEVER ATTACKED UKRAINE, EVER………AND A VOTE FOR COMRADE KAMALA HARRIS IS A VOTE TO OBLITERATE ISRAEL AND FAST……ISRAEL IS GOING TO BE BLOWN OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH IF SHE BECOMES PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES”

Trump comments on the current state of the world. “This is like two kids fighting it out in the schoolyard, sometimes you just gotta let them fight it out a little bit.

Q: “How would you handle Iran now, would you use US force?”

“They were like Rambos, it was just like putting a million Rambos….Good Old Sylvester Stallone….He was my friend…but it’s like putting a million Rambos…..somebody explained that to me….they’re great fighters, it’s like putting a Rambo, give them a knife….and that’s all he needs and by the time he finishes he’ll go down and he slits the throats…..look at what happened with Russia with them.”

Q: “Should Zelensky be prepared to cede some of the Ukraine Territory?”

Trump is despicable on every level. There’s nothing he won’t make about himself. He just embarrassed America, speaking only about his own impeachment standing next to a brave leader who is fighting everyday for the survival of his country. Trump only fights for himself

Remember when Trump asked Russia for help looking for Hillary emails?

Biden is working with Iran to Hack Email, Wonder what they found, couldn’t have been too exciting.

Trump: On the Iran Assassination Attempt

Q: “How would you handle Iran now, would you use US force?

“They were like Rambos, it was just like putting a million Rambos….Good Old Sylvester Stallone….He was my friend…but it’s like putting a million Rambos…..somebody explained that to me….they’re great fighters, it’s like putting a Rambo, give them a knife….and that’s all he needs and by the time he finishes he’ll go down and he slits the throats…..look at what happened with Russia with them.”

The World At War: for anybody that needs a history lesson